CSS Roadmap - 80/20

Think before learning

  • 80/20 Lọc ra 20% các selectors quan trọng nhất Focus vào nó
  • Basic Layout: Có những loại layout nào, khác nhau như thế nào, code ví dụ cho từng loại.
  • Một số cách để quản lý source code HTML & CSS cho clean/ reuseable.


1. Understand the Basics of CSS

  • Selectors and Properties: Learn how CSS selectors target elements, such as class, id, element types, and attribute selectors. Understand how properties (like color, margin, padding, font-size) work.
  • Box Model: This is essential to CSS layout. It consists of margins, borders, padding, and the content itself.
  • Units of Measurement: Get familiar with units like px, em, rem, %, vw, and vh.


2. Learn CSS Layout Techniques

Mastering layout is critical for modern web development.

  • Flexbox: Provides a powerful way to align elements in rows and columns. Perfect for building responsive layouts.
  • CSS Grid: A newer layout system that gives you more control over complex layouts.
  • Positioning: Understand how static, relative, absolute, and fixed positioning works.


3. Responsive Design and Media Queries

  • Learn how to make your design adapt to different screen sizes using media queries. Responsive design is key to modern web development.
  • Mobile-first Design: Learn the principles of designing for mobile devices first, then progressively enhancing for larger screens.


4. Advanced Styling Techniques

  • Animations and Transitions: Learn how to add dynamic effects with @keyframes, transition, and animation properties.
  • Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements: Use these to target specific parts of elements or states (like :hover, :before, :after).


5. CSS Architecture and Best Practices

As a backend developer, you’re probably already familiar with the importance of code maintainability and scalability. These principles apply to CSS as well:

  • BEM (Block Element Modifier): A popular naming convention to keep your CSS modular and reusable.
  • CSS Variables: Learn how to define and use CSS variables for more maintainable styles.
  • Sass/Less: Consider using a preprocessor like Sass or Less to write more efficient and organized CSS.


6. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is crucial when learning CSS. Try creating small projects like landing pages, portfolios, or recreating existing websites.

Challenges & Projects:

  • Build a personal portfolio page.
  • Clone existing websites for practice.
  • Participate in CSS Challenges (e.g., Frontend Mentor).

7. Stay Updated and Learn from the Community

  • Follow CSS news, blogs, and updates. CSS evolves, and new features are added frequently (e.g., container queries, subgrid in CSS Grid).
  • Join communities like Stack Overflow, Dev.to, or Reddit’s web development communities to ask questions and see how others solve problems.

Most used properties

Layout and Position

display: block;
display: flex;
display: grid;
position: relative;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
margin: 10px 20px;
padding: 15px;
float: left;
clear: both;

Text and Typography

font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.5;
text-align: center;
color: #333;
text-decoration: none;
letter-spacing: 1px;

Color and Background

background-color: #f0f0f0;
background-image: url("image.png");
background-position: center;
background-size: cover;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

Box model

box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 10px;

Flexbox (for Layout)

flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;

Grid (for Layout)

grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
grid-gap: 10px;

Transition and Animation

transition: all 0.3s ease;
animation: slide 1s forwards;

Responsive Design

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  /* Styles for mobile */

Learning Path Overview

  1. Basics: Selectors, Box Model, Units
  2. Layout: Flexbox, CSS Grid, Positioning
  3. Responsive Design: Media Queries, Mobile-first
  4. Advanced Topics: Animations, Transitions, Pseudo-classes
  5. Architecture: BEM, Variables, Sass

By following this approach, you’ll move from knowing nothing about CSS to being capable of styling full-fledged, responsive websites.

Good luck! Let me know if you need any specific resources or help with a particular concept.
