Hell Yeah or No



What would you do then, if you didn’t need the money and didn’t need the attention?

Location: 97 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:11:20

Actions, not words, reveal our real values

Location: 153 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:17:17

“If they really wanted to do it, they would have done it.

Location: 165 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:18:00

No matter what you say, your actions reveal the truth.”

Location: 168 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:18:10

No matter what you tell the world or tell yourself, your actions reveal your real values. Your actions show you what you actually want.

Location: 178 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:18:52

Stop lying to yourself, and admit your real priorities. Start doing what you say you want to do, and see if it’s really true.

Location: 182 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:19:23

only speak in the present tense about what you’re actually doing.

Location: 203 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:21:09

You can’t diffuse your energy, trying to do a little bit of everything, or you’ll always be in conflict with yourself.

Location: 220 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 02:23:09

But whatever you choose, brace yourself, because people are always going to tell you that you’re wrong.

Location: 249 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:15:46

You have to know your preferences well because no matter what you do, someone will tell you you’re wrong.

Location: 263 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:16:58

So look around at those existing ideas in the world. You can imitate them and still be offering something valuable and unique.

Location: 306 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:26:48

We shouldn’t preserve our first opinions as if they reflect our pure, untarnished, true nature. They’re often just the result of inexperience or a temporary phase. Old opinions shouldn’t define who we are in the future.

Location: 342 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:29:22

Never forget that the public you is not you.

Location: 379 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:36:57

Character isn’t fate or destiny. Character isn’t DNA, decided before birth. Character is the result of your little choices and little actions.

Location: 395 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:38:21

Your actions are completely under your control, and seem to be the best indicator of future success.

Location: 399 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:38:47

Everyone knows about being introverted versus extroverted, but there’s another axis that makes a much bigger difference. It’s present-focused versus future-focused.

Location: 439 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:51:53

Are you present-focused or future-focused?

Location: 439 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:52:03

Your time-focus is environmental. People who grow up in unstable places are more present-focused because imagining the future is hard. People who grow up in cold climates are more future-focused because they have to prepare for the winter.

Location: 461 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 09:55:55

Both mindsets are necessary. You need a present-focus to enjoy life. But too much present-focus can prevent the deeper happiness of achievement. (I call this “shallow happy” versus “deep happy”.)

Location: 475 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:39:46

This concept even helps me understand myself when I’m acting out of character. If I’m acting too undisciplined, I realize it’s because I’ve stopped vividly seeing my future. I can only see the present. If I’m acting too disconnected, I realize it’s because I’m obsessed with my goals. I can see only the future.

Location: 482 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:41:38

The world treats you as you treat yourself. Your actions show the world who you are.

Location: 502 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:42:50

You won’t act differently until you think of yourself differently. So start by taking one small action that will change your self-identity.

Location: 503 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:43:24

The solution is to say yes to less.

Location: 517 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:44:28

If you’re not feeling “Hell yeah, that would be awesome!” about something, say no.

Location: 518 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:44:42

It’s an easier decision. Say no to almost everything. This starts to free your time and mind.

Location: 519 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:45:19

Saying no makes your yes more powerful.

Location: 523 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:45:43

Refuse almost everything. Do almost nothing. But the things you do, do them all the way.

Location: 529 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:46:08

This is a decision to stop deciding. It’s one decision, in advance, that the answer to all future distractions is “no” until you finish what you started. It’s saying yes to one thing, and no to absolutely everything else.

Location: 551 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 10:47:50

When you notice your motivation fading, you have to seek out the subtle cause. A simple tweak can make all the difference between achieving something or not.

Location: 611 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 11:01:33

That little tweak changed everything! Sự điều chỉnh nhỏ đó đã thay đổi mọi thứ!

Location: 633 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 11:02:56

When you notice that something is affecting your drive, find a way to adjust your environment, even if that’s a little inconvenient for others. Khi bạn nhận thấy rằng một điều gì đó đang ảnh hưởng đến sự nổ lực của bạn, hãy tìm cách điều chỉnh môi trường của bạn, ngay cả khi điều đó hơi bất tiện cho người khác.

Location: 644 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 11:04:04

Personal change needs some space to happen. To bring something new into your life, you need somewhere to put it. If your current habits are filling your day, where are these new habits supposed to go?

Location: 647 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 11:04:32

The English word “quit” comes from old French, meaning “to free” or “to release”.

Location: 651 | Date Added: 2024-09-07 11:04:49

Imagine that I’m going to auction a 1.

Location: 671 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:06:54

Before you start something, think of the ways it could end. Sometimes the smart choice is to say no to the whole game.

Location: 692 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:07:47

Raise standards. Say no to anything less than great.

Location: 731 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:13:55

When I’m down, I avoid anyone who doesn’t rejuvenate me. They’re not allowed in my life right now, not even for a minute. No big explanation needed. No compromise. No favors.

Location: 733 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:15:33

Raising the bar not only gives me a huge feeling of self-worth, but also empties my time. Empty time helps me think clearly, because there’s more time to process and reflect.

Location: 740 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:16:15

Focus helps me say no, because once you can clearly see where you’re heading, you’re less likely to let anything get in your way.

Location: 751 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:17:37

When I’m upset, I don’t feel like doing anything but wallowing in it. Khi tôi buồn, tôi không muốn làm gì ngoài việc ngâm mình trong cảm xúc đó. But despite feeling that way, I brush my teeth, make healthy meals, take the kid out to play, do the dishes, pay the bills, take my vitamins, clean up, and go to bed early. Nhưng mặc dù cảm thấy như vậy, tôi đánh răng, chuẩn bị bữa ăn lành mạnh, chơi cùng con cái, rửa bát đĩa, trả hóa đơn, uống thuốc bổ, dọn dẹp và đi ngủ sớm. These tasks are so mundane, but they help me to feel on top of things. When everyday responsibilities are done, my mind is less distracted.

Location: 754 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:19:22

He taught me that “the standard pace is for chumps” — that the system is designed so anyone can keep up. If you’re more driven than most people, you can do way more than anyone expects. And this principle applies to all of life, not just school.

Location: 833 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:27:43

Which then makes me realize that half of my effort wasn’t effort at all, but just unnecessary stress that made me feel like I was doing my best.

Location: 887 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:46:41

All the best, happiest, and most creatively productive times in my life have something in common: being disconnected. Tất cả những thời kỳ tốt nhất, hạnh phúc nhất và sáng tạo nhất trong cuộc sống của tôi đều có điểm chung: là khi tôi tách rời. No internet. No TV. No phone. No people. Long uninterrupted solitude.

Location: 890 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:47:12

People often ask me what they can do to be more successful. I say disconnect. Even if just for a few hours. Unplug. Turn off your phone and Wi-Fi. Focus. Write. Practice. Create. That’s what’s rare and valuable these days.

Location: 916 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 08:49:07

So the next time you’re feeling extremely unmotivated, do those things you never want to do anyway. Vậy lần tới khi bạn cảm thấy rất thiếu động lực, hãy làm những điều mà bạn chẳng muốn làm lúc nào cả.

Location: 997 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:37:40

Instead of comparing up to the next-higher situation, compare down to the next-lower one.

Location: 1013 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:38:26

For example, if you aim to buy “the best” thing, you may feel like gold when you get it, but when the new “best” thing comes out next year, you’ll feel that silver envy. Instead, if you aim to buy the “good enough” thing, it will keep you in the bronze mindset. Since you’re not comparing to the best, you’ll feel no need to keep up.

Location: 1016 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:40:17

If you ask someone who loves running how to do it, they’ll say, “Easy! You just put on your shoes and go!”

Location: 1046 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:42:26

There are always more than two options

Location: 1071 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:50:44

Great insight comes only from opening your mind to many options.

Location: 1091 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:51:49

Imagine you’ve got a big question like, “Should I quit my job and start my own company?” You go ask the advice of some successful people you respect. Because they can’t know everything about you and your unique situation, they’ll give advice that’s really just a reflection of their own current situation.

Location: 1099 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:52:39

Lottery numbers: When successful people give advice, I usually hear it like this: “Here are the lottery numbers I played: 14 29 71 33 8. They worked for me!” Success is based on so many factors. Some are luck. Some are not. It’s hard to know which are which.

Location: 1105 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:53:04

To assume you’re below average is to admit you’re still learning. You focus on what you need to improve, not your past accomplishments.

Location: 1200 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 09:58:01

What power! Now you’re the person who made things happen, made a mistake, and can learn from it. Now you’re in control and there’s nothing to complain about.

Location: 1221 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 10:00:24

Everybody’s ideas seem obvious to them.

Location: 1402 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 10:18:56

Có ba điều cần xem xét khi đưa ra quyết định quan trọng trong đời: What makes you happy What’s smart — meaning long-term good for you What’s useful to others

Location: 1413 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 10:20:08

They look for “passive income” instead of focusing on doing something that’s really valuable to others.

Location: 1425 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 10:21:51

Cho cả hai họ, tôi đề xuất lối sống của những người hạnh phúc nhất mà tôi biết: Have a well-paying job. Seriously pursue your art for love, not money. Let’s look at the ingredients of this plan. First: balance.

Location: 1467 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 11:35:10

If you have too much stability, you get bored. If you don’t have enough stability, you panic. So keep the balance.

Location: 1474 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 11:35:41

About the job: Be smart, and choose something that pays well with a solid future. Look for statistics in your area about what pays the best when factoring in the required training. You’ll probably need to study for a few years to build up the rare skills that are well-rewarded. This is a head choice, not a heart choice, since you’re not trying to make your job your entire life.

Location: 1484 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 11:37:14

Don’t expect your job to fulfill all your emotional needs. Don’t taint something you love with the need to make money from it. Don’t try to make your job your whole life. Don’t try to make your art your sole income. Let each be what it is, and put in the extra effort to balance the two, for a great life.

Location: 1518 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 11:39:49

What makes you feel depressed, annoyed, or like your life has gone astray if you don’t do it enough?

Location: 1532 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:22:32

You don’t need confidence, just contribution.

Location: 1535 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:22:57

Learning without doing is wasted. If I don’t use what I learn, then it was pointless! How horrible to waste those hundreds of hours I spent learning, and not turn it into action.

Location: 1547 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:24:01

One professor had the winning idea: Don’t make any walkways this year. At the end of the year, look where the grass has worn away. That shows where the students are walking. Then just pave those paths. Một giáo sư đã có ý tưởng chiến thắng: Đừng làm bất kỳ lối đi nào trong năm nay. Vào cuối năm, hãy nhìn xem nơi nào cỏ bị mòn đi. Đó chính là nơi mà sinh viên đang đi lại. Chỉ cần lát đường đi ở những nơi đó.

Location: 1562 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:27:17

So when should you make decisions? When you have the most information, when you’re at your smartest: as late as possible.

Location: 1571 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:27:33

Cultivating a long attention span Whatever he’s doing right now, that’s the most important thing. So I encourage him to keep doing it as long as possible. I never say, “Come on! Let’s go!”

Location: 1609 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:29:57

Entering his world I’m very ambitious and try to do a lot with my life. But when I’m with him, I stop everything else. Phone off. Computer off.

Location: 1619 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:30:38

Broadening his inputs I want him to have a wide range of inputs into his senses. Tôi muốn anh ấy có một loạt các đầu vào rộng vào giác quan của mình. We go play in as many different forests, beaches, mountains, and towns as possible, touching and smelling everything we can.

Location: 1630 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:31:22

Time really is limited. We can’t pretend it’s not. Time spent doing one thing is time spent not doing something else.

Location: 1670 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:34:07

It hurts to go from feeling like an expert to feeling like an idiot. But it’s crucial to go through that pain or I’ll never grow.

Location: 1710 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:36:25

Alvin Toffler nói, “Người mù chữ của thế kỷ 21 sẽ không phải là những người không biết đọc và viết mà là những người không thể học, học lại và học lại.”

Location: 1716 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:36:50

Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

Location: 1714 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:36:59

We don’t get wise just by adding and adding. We also need to subtract.

Location: 1721 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:37:25

The adding mindset is deeply ingrained. It’s easy to think I need something else. It’s hard to look instead at what to remove.

Location: 1732 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:38:21

More people die from eating too much than from eating too little. Most of us have too much baggage, too many commitments, and too many priorities.

Location: 1740 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:39:03

Being smart means thinking things through. It means trying to find the real answer, not the easiest answer.

Location: 1751 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:39:44

Being stupid means avoiding thinking by jumping to conclusions. Jumping to a conclusion is like quitting a game. You lose by default.

Location: 1753 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:39:54

So when someone says, “They’re so stupid!” it means they’ve stopped thinking. They say it because it’s satisfying to jump to that conclusion.

Location: 1757 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:40:18

smart people don’t think others are stupid.

Location: 1761 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:40:52

what matters is what I get out of their work, not the person who made it.

Location: 1779 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:42:13

You are the way you are because of what you’ve experienced. Bạn là như vậy vì những gì bạn đã trải qua. Your country, family, town, random circumstances, and friends have shaped the way you think. If you had grown up on the other side of the world, you would have a different set of values and thought patterns.

Location: 1803 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:45:03

You really learn only when you’re surprised. If you’re not surprised, then everything is fitting into your existing thought patterns. So to get smarter, you need to get surprised, think in new ways, and deeply understand different perspectives.

Location: 1812 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:45:25

You’ll feel the urge to tell them how their lives or ideas could be better — more like what you know. But try to understand a perspective where they are right and you are wrong. Eventually, you’ll realize that your beliefs were not correct — they were just the local culture of where you grew up. You’re a product of your environment.

Location: 1831 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:47:07

Then, if you want to keep your brain actively learning and growing forever, keep moving across the world and immersing yourself like this for the rest of your life.

Location: 1841 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:47:50

Don’t focus on the example itself. Use it as a metaphor, and apply the lesson to my situation. It sounds obvious now, but I’d never looked at it that way before.

Location: 1855 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:48:54

The purpose of goals is not to improve the future. The future doesn’t exist. It’s only in our imagination. All that exists is the present moment and what you do in

Location: 1996 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:59:07

Judge a goal by how well it changes your actions in the present moment.

Location: 1999 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:59:32

A bad goal makes you say, “I’m not sure how to start.” With a great goal, you know exactly what needs to be done next.

Location: 2006 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 02:59:54

But unless it changes your actions, right now, it’s not a great goal. Find another variation that excites you.

Location: 2018 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:01:16

Because nothing is truly inspiring unless you apply it to your work. (“work” meaning your life’s output, whether creative, business, or personal).

Location: 2035 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:02:38

Inspiration is not receiving information. Inspiration is applying what you’ve received.

Location: 2043 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:03:44

People think that if they keep reading articles, browsing books, listening to talks, or meeting people, they’re going to suddenly get inspired. But constantly seeking inspiration is anti-inspiring. You have to pause the input and focus on your output.

Location: 2044 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:04:20

For every bit of inspiration you take in, use it and amplify it by applying it to your work. Then you’ll finally feel the inspiration you’ve been looking for. Mỗi chút cảm hứng bạn nhận được, hãy sử dụng và tăng cường nó bằng cách áp dụng vào công việc của mình. Cuối cùng, bạn sẽ cảm nhận được cảm hứng mà bạn đang tìm kiếm. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Location: 2049 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:05:10

It’s dangerous to think in terms of “passion” and “purpose” because they sound like such huge overwhelming things.

Location: 2078 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:07:34

Instead, just notice what excites you and what scares you on a small moment-to-moment level.

Location: 2084 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:07:55

If you keep thinking about doing something big, and you find that the idea both terrifies and intrigues you, it’s probably a worthy endeavor for you.

Location: 2088 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:08:24

You grow by doing what excites you and what scares you.

Location: 2091 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:08:36

Whatever scares you, go do it.

Location: 2095 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:08:58

Fear is just a form of excitement, and you know you should do what excites you.

Location: 2103 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:09:45

Best of all, once you do something that scared you, you’re not scared of it anymore! As you go through life, doing everything that scares you, you fear less and less in the world.

Location: 2105 | Date Added: 2024-09-08 03:10:03