GTD Method


The Key Concept

Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.  – David Allen –

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

Mind like Water

“I think the appeal is the calmness and peace that you are trying to achieve. Have everything in its place, and empty your mind of busy-ness and junk. Then your are ready for anything that comes your way.”

Capture Everything

The human brain is not an ideal storage system for tasks and commitments. GTD encourages capturing all tasks, ideas, and commitments in an external system, freeing the mind from the burden of trying to remember everything.

Next Action

Instead of focusing on broad goals or projects, GTD emphasizes breaking down tasks into specific, actionable steps. Identifying the next physical action required to move a project forward makes it easier to take concrete steps toward completion.

Organize and Review

The method emphasizes the importance of organizing tasks into lists and regularly reviewing and updating these lists. This helps individuals stay on top of their commitments, adjust priorities, and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.