Ruby Software Engineer Books


Pick one of these

  • The Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Michael Hartl - 2022
  • The Well-Grounded Rubyist - David A.Black, Joseph Leo - 2019
  • Learn Ruby the Hard way - Zed A.Shaw - 2014
  • Programming Ruby - Dave Thomas - 2013
  • Eloquent Ruby - Russ Olsen - 2011


  • Exercism
  • Codwars
  • The Odin Project


Learn Rails

  • Agile Web Development with Rails 7 - Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas - 2022
  • Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails - David Bryant Copeland - 2020
  • Modern Front-End Development for Rails - Noel Rappin - 2022

Learn Best Practices

  • Confident Ruby - Avdi Grimm - 2013
  • Exceptional Ruby - Avdi Grimm - 2011
  • Design Patterns in Ruby - Russ Olsen - 2007
  • 99 Bottles of OOP - Sandi Metz - 2021
  • Refactoring Ruby Edition - Jay Fields - 2009
  • Ruby Best Practices - Gregory T.Brown - 2009
  • Effective Ruby - 48 specific ways to write better Ruby - Peter J. Jones - 2014
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design - Sandi Metz - 2018
  • Polished Ruby Programming - Jeremy Evans - 2021


  • The Complete guide to Rails Testing - Jason Swett - 2022
  • Rails 5 Test Prescriptions - Noel Rappin - 2018
  • Effective Testing with RSpec 3 - Myron Marston and Ian Dees - 2017


  • Deployment from scratch - 2022
  • Docker for Rails Development - Rob Isenberg - 2019


  • - 2022

Optional - go deeper

  • Text Processing with Ruby - Rob Miller - 2015
  • Ruby Performance Optimization - Alexander Dymo - 2015
  • Metaprogramming Ruby 2 - Paolo Perrotta - 2014
  • Ruby Under a Microscope - Pat Shaughnessy - 2013
  • Understanding Computation - Tom Stuart - 2013
  • Kestrels, Quirky Birds, and Hopeless Egocentricity - 2013
