The structure of my Vault


Inspired by the Johnny Decimal System and other vaults like Leah Ferguson’s or Eleanor Konik’s


  • 00 Meta
    • 01 Attachments
    • 02 Templates - All templates which I used to create new note quickly. (used with plugin Templater)
  • 10 Journals
    • 11 Daily - Daily notes (used Obsidian Daily notes plugin)
    • 12 Weekly - Weekly notes
    • 13 Monthly - Monthly notes
    • 14 Annually - Year review, Plan for next year, …
  • 20 Personal
    • 21 Knowledge - Summarize of books which I read, courses which I learned, …
    • 22 Experience - Camping/Traveling and enjoy my life =))
    • 23 Finance - Learn to be wealthy.
    • 24 Mindset - Growth mindset.
    • 25 Thinking - My own thoughts about something
  • 30 Brain Food
    • 31 Readings
    • 32 Mental Models
  • 50 Work - Private
  • 60 References
    • 61 Blinkist
    • 62 Book Reviews
    • 63 Kindle Highlights
    • 64 Web Annotations
  • 70 Slipbox
    • 71 Resources - Zettelkasten resource notes.
    • 72 Evergreen - Trees in my garden 🌲🌲🌲
  • 80 WorldBuilding - People, Stories and the relationship.