Building a Second Brain_ A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential - Tiago Forte



II. This metaphor was first used by Steve Jobs to describe the future potential of the personal computer. III. Other popular terms for such a system include Zettelkasten (meaning “slip box” in German, coined by influential sociologist Niklas Luhmann), Memex (a word invented by American inventor Vannevar Bush), and digital garden (named by popular online creator Anne-Laure Le Cunff).

Location: 71 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 04:43:54

Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. —David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

Location: 81 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 04:47:23

the basics of personal productivity—how to keep a schedule, how to take notes in class, and how to set goals and plan their education.

Location: 135 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 04:58:57

“How can anyone get anything done here? What’s their secret?” I knew only one trick, and it started with writing things down.

Location: 142 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 05:00:33

Every time we started a new project, I created a dedicated place on my computer for the information related to it, where I could sort through it all and decide on a plan of action.

Location: 147 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 05:02:33

I began to see my as-yet-unnamed Second Brain not just as a notetaking tool but as a loyal confidant and thought partner. When I was forgetful, it always remembered. When I lost my way, it reminded me where we were going. When I felt stuck and at a loss for ideas, it suggested possibilities and pathways.

Location: 160 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 05:08:00

Every new productivity app promised a breakthrough, but usually ended up becoming yet another thing to manage.

Location: 165 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 05:10:22

productivity community,

Location: 176 | Date Added: 2022-10-17 05:16:03